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    The 3 “T”s That Distinguish ETFs From Mutual Funds

    Saturday, February 04, 2023

    The 3 “T”s That Distinguish ETFs From Mutual Funds

    ETFs vs. Mutual Funds: The differences may seem subtle, but they could have a big impact on your money over time.

    Is Globalization Dead? (And Why You Should Care!)

    Friday, February 03, 2023

    Is Globalization Dead? (And Why You Should Care!)

    Why would a fire in a mine in South America three months ago cause the refrigerator you just ordered to be back ordered? Or why did COVID cause the price of beef to skyrocket? Even more perplexing,...

    How Do Geopolitical Risks Impact Your Investments?

    Tuesday, January 24, 2023

    How Do Geopolitical Risks Impact Your Investments?

    The pandemic taught us many lessons. But none may be more pronounced than how massively interconnected the world is—often in ways that none of us had known before. Globalization has been a boon for...

    In the Stock Market, Price and Value are Not the Same Things

    Friday, January 06, 2023

    In the Stock Market, Price and Value are Not the Same Things

    Have you ever played the game two truths and a lie? It’s a game where someone gives you three statements, and you have to figure out which one is false. We’re going to play our version right now:

    Did Last November’s 5% One-Day Gain Signal We’ve Hit Bottom?

    Friday, January 06, 2023

    Did November's 5% One-Day Gain Signal We’ve Hit Bottom?

    On November 10, 2022, the S&P 500 gained 5.54%, the largest rally since April 2020. This jump prompted several clients to ask if the market had finally reached the bottom. Of course, we’d love to...

    Does Unionization Mean You Should Expect Lower Returns?

    Friday, January 06, 2023

    Does Unionization Mean You Should Expect Lower Returns?

    “[L]aymen and economists alike tend, in my view, to exaggerate greatly the extent to which labor unions affect the structure and level of wage rates.” – Milton Friedman1 Apple.* Trader Joes.*...



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