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Tony Arsta

Tony Arsta, CFA®Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst

  • Joined the firm in 2009
  • Industry experience: 15 years
  • Education: M.B.A. with Distinction from DePaul University, B.S., Computer Science from University of Wisconsin-Madison

With a focus on statistical analysis and investor psychology, Tony studies companies day-in and day-out in a tireless pursuit of the select few he believes can demonstrate quality growth above their competitors – and, at a reasonable price. He’s been putting these principles into practice throughout his entire career with The Motley Fool, LLC, which took off in 2008. After working as an Analyst for The Motley Fool LLC, Tony moved into his role as Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst at Motley Fool Asset Management, where he has been managing funds for the past 15 years.

Today he serves as Lead Portfolio Manager for Motley Fool Global Opportunities (TMFG), and also helps manage Motley Fool 100 Index (TMFC), Motley Fool Capital Efficiency 100 Index (TMFE), and Motley Fool Next Index (TMFX).

Charly Travers

Charly Travers Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the firm in 2023
  • Industry experience: 18 years
  • Education: B.A., Psychology from Illinois Wesleyan University, M.S. Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences from St. Louis University

Charly has spent nearly two decades analyzing stocks from a wide range of industries at The Motley Fool, LLC, 1623 Capital, and Motley Fool Asset Management. His prior experience in healthcare and passion for innovation led to his specific interest in biotech and healthcare companies. Upon joining The Motley Fool, LLC in 2005, he contributed research on biotechnology companies to the Motley Fool Rule Breakers publication, and subsequently he became an Associate Advisor for Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio. Charly was also one of the founding advisors of Motley Fool Share Advisor, a newsletter product for the U.K. market, and then became a Portfolio Manager for Motley Fool Asset Management in 2014. 

Before he returned to his current role with the firm in 2023, Charly also served as a Portfolio Manager at 1623 Capital from 2020-2022, where he ran a high-conviction fundamental long/short equity strategy. Today, on behalf of Motley Fool Asset Management, he focuses on identifying companies with opportunities to reinvest their profits and earn high returns on capital – specifically as a Portfolio Manager for Motley Fool 100 Index (TMFC), Motley Fool Next Index (TMFX), Motley Fool Capital Efficiency 100 Index (TMFE), and Motley Fool Small-Cap Growth (TMFS).


T.J. PiggottInvestment Analyst

  • Joined the firm in 2023
  • Industry experience: 15 years
  • Education: B.B.A., Business Administration from Roanoke College

T.J. has spent his entire career in financial services, and in various roles at some of the largest firms on Wall Street. He began his Foolish journey in 2014 as the Director of Trading for Motley Fool Wealth Management, and later entered The Motley Fool, LLC’s Investor Development Program. After completing this program, T.J. partnered with a Lead Advisor to launch Motley Fool Cloud Disruptors, Motley Fool SaaS Superstars, and Motley Fool Cloud Contenders, where he spent most of his time covering tech and tech-enabled companies. He was also promoted to
Senior Analyst during this time with The Motley Fool, LLC. Recently, T.J. joined Motley Fool Asset Management to support our Portfolio Managers with company research.

As a longtime Fool, T.J. invests with Foolishness, which means: marrying qualitative and quantitative data, seeking companies that meet our definition of Quality, and using a long-term investment mindset.


Jonathan ThomasChief Marketing Officer

  • Joined the firm in 2024
  • Industry experience: 24 years
  • Education: B.A., English-Journalism, University of Delaware

Jonathan Thomas joined the Motley Fool Money Management team as Chief Marketing Officer with more than 20 years of marketing, communications, and management experience under his belt. With a background in marketing a variety of investment solutions (especially pooled investment vehicles), Jonathan is a “Fool of all trades” in the money management industry. He’s passionate about storytelling through a blend of marketing channels and collaborating with sales teams to create exciting customer experiences—all the way from awareness to investor relations.

In his current role, Jonathan is responsible for overseeing the creation and growth of all marketing strategies for Motley Fool Asset Management. He collaborates closely with our company’s president, director of investor relations, chief investment officer, investment team, and of course, his marketing team to educate investors and financial advisors across the country about our unique lineup of active and passive index ETFs.


Fund Philosophy

Passive Strategy

Blended stock picks from the brains at The Motley Fool, LLC

Investing Foolishly

Human brainpower is great stuff. We think index funds should use more of it.

That’s why our passive ETFs track proprietary indices created by The Motley Fool, LLC analysts’ active stock picks, while most index ETFs lock investors into companies no matter their performance.

No doubt you’ve heard of The Motley Fool, LLC. After all, they have been leveling the playing field for the individual investor for almost thirty years, and serve to educate over 2 million website visitors each month!

Called “an ethical oasis” by former SEC Chairman, Arthur Levitt, The Motley Fool, LLC has stood for unwavering tenets of long-term investing.

And, having come up the ranks of The Motley Fool, LLC, our team of Portfolio Managers at Motley Fool Asset Management put these tenets at the core of their investing philosophy.

These are the tenets we hang our hat – ahem, jester cap – on...

  • Buy 25 or more companies.
  • Hold those stocks for 5 years or more.
  • Invest new money regularly.
  • Hold through market volatility.
  • Let your portfolio’s winners keep winning.
  • Target long-term returns.

Making Foolish Indices

We aim to give your passive investments an edge so that you don’t have to simply follow the market.

All of our passive ETFs track the proprietary indices created by our parent company, The Motley Fool, LLC.

Which means they harness the brainpower of the full The Motley Fool, LLC analyst community to give you broad, strategic exposure to their top recommended stocks.

Here’s how it works:

  • First, The Motley Fool, LLC analysts determine which publicly traded companies deserve to be recommended to their newsletter subscribers. Collectively, this universe of recommended companies is the starting point for each of the indices.
  • That means every single holding in their indices has been thoroughly vetted for quality, risk exposure, and growth potential.
  • Next, for a stock to be included in any of The Motley Fool, LLC indices, it must be a U.S. company actively recommended by one of The Motley Fool, LLC’s research publications, or rank among the 150 highest-rated U.S. companies in The Motley Fool, LLC analyst opinion database, called Fool Intel.
  • Companies in The Motley Fool, LLC’s recommendation universe must also must be liquid — they need to have traded at least $1M in shares daily, on average, during the preceding 3 months.
  • Then, The Motley Fool, LLC Investing Intelligence Team uses proprietary algorithms to select companies from this recommendation universe to be included in each of the indices, based on unique membership criteria.
  • Each fund is rebalanced quarterly.

Motley Fool Asset Management passive ETFs track these indices, and our Portfolio Managers bring them to fruition as they oversee the investment operations.

Read on to learn more about each of our passive ETFs, and the criteria of the indices they track…

What makes our passive ETFs so Foolish?

  • Put all of The Motley Fool, LLC’s research to work in convenient, easy-to-buy products.
  • Each ETF is made up of at least 100 underlying stocks, offering an instantly diversified portfolio.
  • Get immediate and continuous access to The Motley Fool, LLC analysts’ highest scoring investment ideas — using human brain power where many traditional indices on the market do not.
  • Each quarter, stocks are added and removed from each index as The Motley Fool, LLC analyst community’s convictions change — meaning the hard part of deciding when to buy and sell has been done for you.
  • ETFs are cost-effective and accessible for investors with different time horizons and wealth levels.
  • ETF structure allows for intraday trading.
  • Shares are purchased and held in most brokerage accounts.

The team behind the ETFs

tony arsta

Tony Arsta, CFA®Portfolio Manager

Tony serves as Lead Portfolio Manager on Motley Fool Global Opportunities (TMFG) and helps manage our passive funds (TMFC, TMFX, TMFE).

Charly Travers

Charly TraversPortfolio Manager

Charly manages Motley Fool Small-Cap Growth (TMFS) and our three passive funds (TMFC, TMFX, TMFE).

How to buy our ETFs

Getting started is easy! Click below to see how you can add Motley Fool Asset Management ETFs to your portfolio.

Motley Fool Asset Management