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    Can Companies' Carbon Emissions Affect Their Stock Performance?

    Tuesday, April 18, 2023

    Can Companies' Carbon Emissions Affect Their Stock Performance?

    Does investing in an environmentally friendly manner mean you may need to accept lower returns? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is complicated. Here’s why…

    An All-Weather Predictor of Stock Returns

    Friday, March 31, 2023

    An All-Weather Predictor of Stock Returns?

    Investors are always searching for indicators of stocks’ current strength and future potential. Here’s one metric we pay special attention to.

    Could Quality and Growth Investing Lead to Faster Loss Recovery?

    Friday, March 31, 2023

    Could Quality and Growth Investing Lead to Faster Loss Recovery?

    Historical patterns may shed light on the way growth and quality stocks tend to recover losses. Let’s take a look at which investing styles tend to lead the way out of a falling market—and how quickly.

    Recession: A Stock Picker’s Paradise?

    Wednesday, March 29, 2023

    Recession: A Stock Picker’s Paradise?

    Here’s what a game of darts can teach us about active investing, diversification, and pursuing winners in a down market.

    A Replay of the Financial Crisis?

    Wednesday, March 15, 2023

    A Replay of the Financial Crisis?

    We just experienced the biggest bank failure since the Great Recession of 2008. But here’s why we don’t believe 2023 will be another 2008.

    Recession Investing: Reevaluate? Reallocate? Or Hold Fast?

    Thursday, March 09, 2023

    Recession Investing: Reevaluate? Reallocate? Or Hold Fast?

    The economy and the stock market are not one and the same, but they can be intertwined. Here are some important moves we think investors should consider during recessionary periods.



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