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Friday, March 28, 2025
Building a FIRE Portfolio with ETFs
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a popular approach to personal finance—as long as you’re willing to be extremely frugal and invest strategically. ETFs could play an important role in your FIRE portfolio as you pursue diversification, stability, and inflation protection.

Friday, March 14, 2025
Why Complex ETFs Aren’t Necessarily Better
Before buying a complex ETF—like a leveraged ETF, inverse ETF, or thematic ETF—read this first. Understand the pros and cons to make a better-informed investing decision.

Friday, January 17, 2025
Using ETFs to Rebalance Your Portfolio
Can ETFs help you align your investments with your larger goals? Discover the importance of rebalancing your portfolio, and where ETFs can fit in.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Benefits of ETFs for Diversification
How do you diversify your investments? It doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s why investors are opting for ETFs to achieve easy diversification.

Friday, October 18, 2024
Not All Index ETFs Are the Same
There are thousands of index ETFs on the market. How do you choose between them? First, learn what makes these prominent types of index ETFs different from one another, then see how their goals might align with yours.

Friday, September 06, 2024
Tax Advantages of ETFs
ETFs can have general tax efficiency advantages over mutual funds – but why? Here’s why ETFs can be a tax-friendly option for investors seeking a more diversified portfolio.

Featured ETF
TMFC: Motley Fool 100 Index ETF
Featuring the top 100 largest and most liquid U.S. companies recommended by The Motley Fool, LLC.